Foundation for Development of Ukraine

The Foundation for Development of Ukraine is a non-profit organization, established July 15, 2005 [1] by Rinat Lyeonidovich Akhmetov, a Ukrainian businessman. Mission of the Foundation: "Work for people by eliminating the causes of burning social problems; implementing the best practices of Ukraine and other countries, developing unique system solutions; obtaining the optimal result with every project and action".[2] Foundation has two offices functioning in Kiev and Donetsk, Ukraine.


Current projects

Health of the Nation

Contemporary Education

Cultural Heritage

Targeted Assistance and Assistance in Emergencies

The Project was established to cover expensive and complex treatment courses, including treatment of children, which cannot be totally funded by the state and the national budget. Assistance in emergencies project is to provide help to those who suffered from natural and manmade disasters. Support was rendered to victims and people whose relatives died in the blasts in Dnepropetrovsk,[8] at Zasyadko, Krasnolimanskaya,[9] Karl Marx,[10] Duvannaya[11] coal mines.


  1. ^"
  2. ^ About us - Foundation for «Development of Ukraine»
  3. ^ WHO/Europe | Tuberculosis
  4. ^ Ukraine Represented by Rinat Akhmetov’s Foundation for Development of Ukraine to Get a GF Grant to Fight TB Epidemic - Foundation for «Development of Ukraine»
  5. ^ Головна - Всеукраїнський портал національного усиновлення
  6. ^ Народних Архітектури та Побуту музей — WWW Енциклопедія Києва
  7. ^ Photos from Pirogovo (Pyrohiv, Пирогово) - Free download - Photos and wallpapers
  8. ^ Фонд Ахметова даст пострадавшим в Днепропетровске по 5-20 тысяч гривен | Новости Украины | В Днепропетровске начал работу Координационный Совет Благотворительного Фонда «Разви...
  9. ^ Фонд "Развитие Украины" выделил 3,4 млн грн семьям погибших горняков на шахтах "Краснолиманская" и им. К.Маркса. | Новости | РБК-Украина
  10. ^ Благотворительный фонд Ахметова выделил 3,4 млн.грн. семьям погибших и пострадавшим горнякам - ЛІГА.Новости
  11. ^ Новости Луганска - Благотворительный фонд Рината Ахметова выделит 600 тыс. грн. семьям горняков, погибших на шахте «Дуванная» -

External links